Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This was shot from a crane 80 ft in the air. People often think that it was shot from another building. No a crane (as you can clearly see). After a quick demo at the rental yard an eighteen wheeler swings by a couple of days later to drop it off. So I put the safety harness on jump in the cage and go up and up and up and up. As I near the top the basket needs to be straightened. While I’m doing this the entire crane shakes as do my legs. When I eventually get back to earth my knees are shaking so much that I walk over to the liquor store next door and down two whiskey sour clubs. Then I say to myself “What the hell was I thinking taking this job”. The client wanted a daylight, morning, dusk and night shots in increments of each floor of a not yet built structure. It was winter so I basically sat in this basket for hours freezing. People often comment on how I'm lucky because of what I do and then I think of this shoot and say. Uhhhh No. Luckily, I got so used to going up and down that it became no big deal.